MEPSO signs a €26.4 million contract with EBRD to strengthen transmission network


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Macedonian Transmission System Operator AD (MEPSO) signed on Tuesday in the Government a €26.4 million loan agreement aimed at strengthening the transmission network.

The contract was initialed by the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Odile Renaud-Basso, and the MEPSO head, Zuhdi Enuz.  The funds will be used for the construction of a substation and the reconstruction of a 110 kilovolt transmission line, which will enable the connection of a new 1170 megawatts from renewable sources.

The total value of this project is 34.7 million euros, of which 26.4 million are provided by a loan from the EBRD, and 7.6 million euros are provided by the Investment Fund for the Western Balkans of the EU and half a million euros from the Climate Fund.

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