Pandov: Any inmate who submits medical documentation will be issued a suspension


Any inmate who submits medical documentation to the Administration for Sanctions Execution, signed by a specialist doctor stating that he needs to be treated, will be issued a suspension, the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions acting director Aleksandar Pandov said Tuesday evening.

In an interview with Sitel TV, Pandov confirmed that the Directorate will issue a suspension for three more convicts for the April 27 events who requested a temporary release from prison, in addition to the five who have already been issued a suspension of 30 days.

“I cannot deny a request by an inmate with a documented acute health issue and a need for a medical intervention. Several such requests have been filed since I assumed this post and I approved them. Let me remind you that after six and a half years those people are rotting in prisons across Macedonia,” said Pandov.

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