Record monthly revenue collection since the existence of the Customs Administration – almost MKD 12 billion were collected in July


In the last month, the Customs Administration collected total revenues of MKD 11.9 billion, i.e. 195 million euros, which is a 16.6% higher amount compared to the same period in 2023. This is the highest amount of collected revenues realized on a monthly level since the existence of the Customs Administration.

“Already on the first day of my appointment as director of the Customs Administration, I promised to deliver visible and quick results. I shared this message with all employees of the Customs Administration and asked for maximum engagement on their part and professionalism at all levels. We see the first results today, when we record the highest amount of collected revenues realized on a monthly basis since the existence of the Customs Administration. Let this result be a motive for all customs officials for even greater efforts for better results in all spheres of customs work in the future as well,” said Customs director Boban Nikolovski.

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