MES to prepare law on dual education to regulate relations between business and schools


With a new law, the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) will formalize dual education in the secondary education system, which until now functioned on the basis of goodwill, said Macedonian Minister of Education and Science VesnaJanevska on Thursday.

“We are drafting a completely new law in continuous communication with the Economic Chamber. It will regulate the relations between schools and the business sector and we will enable it to get a legal form, which until now has been in good faith, and was led by the Economic Chamber. We are talking about the concept of dual education which has been developing in this country for several years and which prepares generations of students with quality education to enter the labor market, but also if they want to continue their educational process,” Minister Janevska said during her visit to the company KAZ Group in Skopje, where for the third year dual education is being implemented for students from the “VladoTasevski” secondary school in Skopje in cooperation with the Economic Chamber and the Swiss Embassy.

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