Mickoski: I have principles, justice will become our trademark, I want change, and victory is coming!


VMRO-DPMNE’s President Hristijan Mickoski, today in his address to ,,Jane
Sandanski Hall”, announced to his members the values ​​he believes in.

– I will bring justice. Justice which will become our trademark, our brand name. We will bring justice and we will fight against the mafia which is dragging us down. We have innocent men in prison, patriots arrested only for loving Macedonia. There are people who have robbed a convenience store serving long sentences while the crooks who are enriching themselves on the back of the people are portrayed as success stories. Enough. There will be absolute and merciless justice. It is absolute, it is unique and ruthless. And here you are all here and telling you that it must be so, that we fight for justice, because we will have no other chance, justice above all. And I know exactly what I’m talking about and I know this is a big commitment, I know that after you take power, you who are close to me now, there will be those who will be burned by the sword of justice because you have done injustice, and I tell you now so you know that there will be no excuses tomorrow no matter how painful for
us, responsibility must be on everyone. Justice means responsibility, responsibility
for any wrongdoing, for any wrongdoing to the law. And all officials in the Zaev
government and Zoran Zaev himself must know that. And amnesty here won’t help
him. But all future officials in the new VMRO-DPMNE government should know this too. We need principles. I believe in the Principles. Principles are rules that do not
define. Not different from others. And I know you all think politics is an unprincipled thing, and this is your opinion, so why draw on the experience of 29 years of independence. I will tell you that there are principles in politics even though politics in Macedonia have not been so. We, along with those principles, will adopt, introduce and strengthen the principles in Macedonia. No one should have a priority, and the capable, valuable and top quality should be at the bottom of the priority list, top quality at the top of the priority list. Politics should no longer be seen as a source of wealth, so we will pass a law examining the origins of officials property. Let’ s see who got rich with labor, and who steals, and the stolen goes back to the citizens. The principles also mean replacing the policy of low passions in the policy of deeds. The law on languages ​​does not make the highway to Blace, or the canalization in Aracinovo, Zaev’s persecution has not put the real criminals behind bars, the government's Euro-optimism has not brought the country into the EU, because all this needs work. And the EU means principles, and the road to it means work, hard work to which I commit. And I know we choose the harder, but believe me this is the right path. Why faith in principles is faith in values. With a clean conscience in front of the people. And don’t forget that VMRO was born because it believed in principles, freedom and justice. It is our code, an indelible emotion that lasts more than a century. There must be changes. Changes in every way. Changes in power to bring about changes in the economy, education, agriculture, health. Changes in culture, way of thinking, change of image of the politician in Macedonia. Today we are all in a process where we are simply counting the damages of this government, a reality
show where every morning we are again mesmerized by crime, decadence, a long
series of scandals and affairs. Changes are needed to leave the last remnants of
transition. Changes are also needed to the things that went wrong, the solutions they
imposed. Reality cannot be ignored, but that does not mean it cannot be changed.

And that’s why we need victory. Victory over all the defeats that Zaev brought us.
And the defeats are failures. Bending our backs, trading with our name, history,
language and replace them with principles, and victories. Macedonia has lost, but it
had won many times before, after each defeat we became stronger, wiser, but also
rose above with more power. We needed victory because of Goran from Strumica,
Maria from Bitola, Trajce from Vevcani, Besim from Gostivar, Tome from Kumanovo, Dime from Ohrid which I mentioned at the beginning. We will fight for every hand I have held for the past three months, every embrace and honest word I have exchanged. Victory for our children and future generations, but victory for our
ancestors who bleed for us to have this today, said Mickoski.

Mickovski said in front of the audience that many were calling on him to tell politicians that their time had passed, that they had enough and that they had lied to the people.

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