Stoilkovski: Macedonia is ruled by the mafia, the government must fall immediately


VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski wrote on Facebook that this was not a government and that Macedonia is ruled by the mafia and must fall immediately.

“Zoran Zaev, who promised “truth” about the Monster” case, and who said that the defendants were not guilty, that there was evidence and recordings that “he will not release in order to avoid ethnic-based violence” should now appear before the relatives of the deceived and motivated supporters of protest, to explain “circumstances and knowledge”!

But let’s not kid ourselves, always, ALWAYS when caught for corruption and crime, as he is now with the Transparency International report, with their “pants down” and their hands dipped in honey, they play on nationally related protests and tensions in society!

Come on Zoran Zaev be a man, do not hide behind Fatime or Joveski “The sewn mouth”! Come out in front of the people you lied to in public!

No more room for hiding! And it is embarrassing to organize “counter-protests” to defocus the people from some quasi-groups for monkeys that you defended under the guise of human rights,” said Stoilkovski.

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