Zaev and Filipche want to pass a criminal deal for a new clinical center with a controversial law


SDSM and the Government led by this party, continue with the concept of dismantling the healthcare system. Instead of analyzing the new situation in the healthcare system with the corona epidemic, instead of determining the needs and priorities of the healthcare system, these days SDSM is in a criminal campaign for the realization of a project, which is announced every year, and that is a new clinical center. Strengthening the capacity of the healthcare system is a priority for all. That strengthening should not be done with a non-transparent process and a law of only 9 members, which does not provide any details about what will be obtained at the end of the project, VMRO-DPMNE’s Igor Nikolov said at Sunday’s press conference.

“First, it should be clear that for a value of 500-700 million euros, today we would debate the need for a second clinical center and all that would have been if they had not stopped the Mother Teresa Clinical Center project. Secondly, they propose a law on clinical center, and they have not resolved the property-legal relations on the land itself, the expropriation procedure has not been initiated yet. They do not have an analysis of the need for centralization or decentralization of the healthcare system caused by the corona epidemic, they do not have a project, they do not have studies for the geomechanics of the land, nor for possible archeological sites. Thirdly, the construction of a new clinical center as they imagine and want to push it is a source of corruption. This proposal is only a working version of the law. This proposal, instead of securing the selection of the best company, stimulates a certain community of companies. Fourthly, the public procurement itself as described in this so-called draft law for the realization of a new clinical center project is disputable. And finally, it can be said that this is just a project of populism that is happening before the elections. They inherited a finished project from VMRO-DPMNE and instead of continuing and realizing it, they annulled it. This project that they put aside should have been realized by now and today we would have another infrastructure unit available in the fight against the corona epidemic,” said Nikolov.

VMRO-DPMNE does not support such a legal text! VMRO-DPMNE will not allow such robbery of public money and such lying of the citizens, he added.

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