No progress on history textbooks, the Goce Delchev issue was not open


For the past two days, the Joint Multidisciplinary Commission for Historical and Educational Issues between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria held its 12th meeting. No progress was made at this meeting regarding the discussion of history textbooks, and no agreement was reached on mid-century issues. The commission did not open the issue of Goce Delchev and his eventual joint commemoration, although it was on the agenda.

No progress was made on the discussion of history textbooks, as in the previous meeting. Despite constructive discussion and a desire for progress, no agreement was reached on mid-century issues. Major differences remain in approaches and understanding of the role of historical education and educational policies. Considering the continued discussion on the history textbooks, at this meeting, the Commission did not open the issue of Goce Delchev and his eventual joint commemoration, although it was on the agenda, reads the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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