VMRO-DPMNE is ready to discuss an expert government, but with a non-partisan PM


VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski explained that VMRO-DPMNE is ready to discuss it if the expert government is headed by a person who would be a mutually acceptable, beyond party person who can lead the country forward until the local elections, and then organize early parliamentary and local elections.

“Zaev with today’s statement for a broad government, firstly, confirmed that Macedonia needs a new and different government, secondly, I think that Zaev’s thesis confirms that the current government and the current majority are ineffective and do not have the capacity to deal with real and serious projects in time of crisis, and thirdly, VMRO-DPMNE said a few months ago that Macedonia, especially before the elections, would be much better to have an expert government, which will have the capacity to have wider support and offer real projects to get out of this crisis, which Zaev is not capable of managing it,” said Miloshoski

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