33 patients die, 708 new COVID-19 cases


Out of 2,763 COVID-19 tests carried out in Macedonia in the past 24 hours, 708 new cases were registered, 11 patients recovered and 33 died, the Health Ministry said on Sunday.

Most of the new cases were registered in Skopje-341, Prilep-59, Kumanovo-41, Veles-37, Gostivar-26, Bitola-26, Ohrid-26, Kavadarci-23, Tetovo-18, Shtip-17, Kochani-16, Negotino-11, Debar-11, Gevgelija-10, Strumica-9, Struga-9, Sveti Nikole-5, Resen-5, Vinica-5, Makedonska Kamenica-3, Kichevo-2, Bogdanci-2, Demir Kapija-2, Dojran-2, Radovish-1, Delchevo-1, Berovo-1, Valandovo-1.

The Public Health Institute registered 11 recovered patients from all over the country, the press release reads.

Thirty-three people died between the ages of 39 and 85, including eight from Skopje, four from Prilep, four from Kumanovo, three from Kavadarci, two from Gostivar, two from Bitola, two from Veles, two from Negotino, one from Tetovo, one from Ohrid, one from Kochani, one from Kichevo, one from Gevgelija, and one from Berovo.

Since the onset of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 126,938 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 104,356 patients have recovered. Death toll has reached 3,675. At the moment, there are 18,907 active cases across the country.

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