Another attempt to unblock the Parliament – Xhaferi schedules a new session on Sunday


Parliament is to make a fresh attempt on Sunday to pass bills in relation to the fifth set of anti-crisis measures.

According to the Parliament’s website, the 36th plenary session whose agenda includes the fifth stimulus package bills is scheduled for 2:15 pm today, after the 32nd session which is scheduled for 2 pm.

The bills in connection to the fifth stimulus package were expected to be passed on Thursday, but coordinators of parliamentary groups, some of the MPs and the Parliament Speaker after debating for over two hours failed to agree on whether to vote on items of the 32nd session and then resume with the 36th session, or postpone voting due to lack of quorum and continue with the 36th session. Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi insisted on voting on 21 items of the 32nd session and then resume the 36th session, whereas the opposition said that voting should be postponed if there’s lack of quorum and the 36th session should begin.

VMRO-DPMNE MP, on the other hand, insisted that the laws from the fifth set of economic measures be passed first. They suspected that the government did not want to pass these measures because there was not enough money in the budget and refused to create a quorum for the other laws on the agenda.


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