Successful heart transplant in 22-year-old patient, informs Ministry of Health


А 22-year-old patient received early today a new heart at the Skopje-based Cardiac Surgery Clinic, from a donor of similar age who has passed away after a traffic accident.

a 27-year-old boy got his new donated heart. This is the second heart transplant in the history of the country performed at the Cardiac Surgery Clinic. Congratulations to all colleagues and thanks to the whole team who worked tirelessly throughout the evening. This is a huge success of the Macedonian healthcare, which would not have been possible without the consent for organ donation from the family of the young patient who lost her life prematurely.

Doctors from the KARIL-Clinic, Urology, Cardiac Surgery, Orthopedics, Nephrology, Radiology, Cardiology, X-ray Institute, Jean Mitrev Clinic and Acibadem Sistina participated in the transplant process. We are grateful to all the doctors who participate in the procedure for determining brain death, in transplantation and organ transplantation, as well as to all those who logistically supported the procedure.

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