Skopje’s Vodovod to spend 50 thousand euros on chairs, one chair is priced up to 200 euros


The Public Enterprise Vodovod (Water Supply and Sewerage) will spend more than 70 thousand euros on furniture, of which 50 thousand euros for office chairs and 20 thousand euros for closets and desks. This is shown by the two individual contracts that are published on the website of the Public Procurement Bureau, and are concluded with the companies SPS Engineering and Karat M from Skopje.

The first contract concluded with the company SPS Engineering concerns the purchase of chairs and it is concluded at a value of about 50 thousand euros. The price of one chair ranges from 3200 denars, and the most expensive reaches a price higher than 200 euros. What is uncharacteristic is that according to the information published on the Facebook page of this company, it can be seen that it is mainly engaged in the purchase and sale of footwear. The explanation on Facebook states that SPS Engineering is a specialized company in the field of providing safe and secure energy, as well as efficient solutions for telecommunication and electrical installation.

The second contract made with the Karat M company in the amount of about 20 thousand euros and it refers to the purchase of closets, desks and drawers.

Both contracts provide for the procurement to be realized successively in a period of 12 months.

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