U.S. Ambassador Byrnes: N. Macedonia’s greatest challenge is corruption


USAID will help the country improve its economic competitiveness, reduce corruption and increase youth contribution in society through US$ 8,3 million, part of the Development Partnership Grant Agreement that the United States and North Macedonia signed on Thursday.

Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi and USAID Country Representative Erik Janowsky signed the agreement, according to which both sides are committed to cooperation in the attainment of the objectives, with the Government having the leading role in the process.

The three priorities within the agreement have been established through broad consultations and are based on areas that will have the most lasting benefit.

“Your greatest challenge is corruption, one of the country’s greatest needs is economic growth and stability, and your greatest hope is your youth. Just as corruption undermines governance, it also sabotages economic competitiveness and subverts youth opportunities for the future,” said Ambassador Byrnes.

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