Hacked personal data of some of the citizens on the vaccination site


Amateurism or someone’s abuse, but the data left on the site Vakcinacija.mk are not safe, confirm to the media experts who say that in just seven minutes without special knowledge in the field of IT technology, they managed to collect as many as 140 documents with personal data from the site – unique parent numbers, electronic booklet, type of vaccine, where and when you were vaccinated and other personal data.

The person who first alerted about such a possibility, wanting to obtain his own vaccination certificate, managed to enter the system in just a few minutes and gain access to personal data. Concerned about data security, he addressed anonymously to Alfa TV, but submitted the documents he provided, to alert how easily someone with minimal IT knowledge could break into the system with hundreds of thousands of ID numbers and personal information, especially if it is known that if they fall into the wrong hands they can be abused.

The Vakcinacija.mk website says that the controller of the personal data you provide is the Ministry of Health, and that they themselves maintain the servers and all activities on the website, including the logs that are created and the analysis of the data that are transmitted from the visit to the website.

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