Instead of European Macedonia, we became Colombia in Europe under Zaev and Ahmeti’s rule, accuses Miloshoski


Instead of approaching and integrating into the European Union, with the latest “scandalous bill of the private government” led by SDSM’s Prime Minister ZoranZaev and Ali Ahmeti, leader of Government’s coalition partner – DUI, to put the so-called “European flag” on the bill for drug business – marijuana, Macedonia becomes European Colombia, accused MP of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE Antonio Miloshoskiat a press conference on Wednesday.

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Miloshoski pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE assesses as scandalous this move which, as he said, for the umpteenth time abuses the so-called European flag fast-tracked procedures for topics that do not have any unified regulation in the European Union.

“Zaev and Ahmeti have been lying to the citizens for four years that they will make the country a European Macedonia with this draft law on drug trafficking to make Macedonia a Colombia with Europe, a country where drug trafficking as the head of the Ministry of Interior in Prilep did, It will become a legal business for the Zaev family and its coalition partners,” said the opposition MP.

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