Deadline for checking the Voters’ List expires at midnight


Until midnight, the citizens can inspect the Voters’ List and submit requests for addition, deletion or deletion of their data to the State Election Commission. The deadline for submitting candidacies for the local elections on October 17 expires on Saturday, September 11.

As of Tuesday, September 7, a total of 13,502 persons were checked in the Voters ‘List, a total of 122 requests for registration in the Voters’ List were submitted, 31 requests for deletion of data from the Voters ‘List and 39 requests for change of data in the Voters’ List, the SEC announced.

On September 14, the deadline for the SEC to submit the Voters’ List to the political parties expires, which, by the 19th, should submit possible requests for its correction.

The SEC should close the Voters’ List by September 24, and sign it by October 1 at the latest.

The deadline for submitting candidacies for the local elections to the Municipal Election Commissions ends on Saturday, September 11 at midnight.

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