Organized Crime Prosecutor orders Public Procurement Bureau to submit complete documentation for all 19 modular hospitals


After the catastrophic fire that took 14 victims that happened Wednesday night in the COVID center in the Tetovo hospital, Prosecutor for Organized Crime and Corruption Vilma Ruskovska ordered the Public Procurement Bureau to submit the complete documentation for the public procurement for all 19 built modular hospitals in Macedonia.

This is a completely separate investigation from the one carried out by the five basic public prosecutors who are still inspecting after Wednesday night’s catastrophe in Tetovo, in which the modular hospital burned to the ground, 14 people lost their lives and 12 were taken away.

At an earlier press conference Health MinisterVenkoFilipche, on the remarks that the modular hospitals were made inappropriately in terms of safety and with flammable materials, said that he had all the documentation and claimed that it was built according to World Bank standards.


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