Institutions do not function, we don’t have real democracy


Our institutions do not work. We do not have real democracy, because there is no democracy in the parties themselves. The one in power thinks he has everything, says university professor Borche Davitkovski.

“Our institutions are service-oriented to the government. They should be citizen-oriented. Each institution should function on its own, according to the law, to be a service to the citizens. The one who will enter the administration until he understands it, it will all be in vain. Let’s make a vetting, let’s take one test for each level. We have a paradox 10 years ago, the best who have over 30 years of experience, were supposed to be heads of departments, state advisors, and they were in the second group, and those who were 3-4 years in the administration, took their place,” Davitkovski told TV24.

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