The entire government in Romania resigned, but Zaev and Filipche blame an extension cord

EPA-EFE/Georgi Licovski

The entire government in Romania resigned, and Filipche says the extension cord is to blame for the death of 14 people, reads the party statement of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

Everywhere in the world, after each great tragedy or accident that happens in a certain department, the minister, and sometimes the whole government resigns, only Filipche flees from responsibility and along with Zaev they blame the extension cord. Many ministers and officials around the world could find excuses for resigning irrevocably, but all had morals and didn’t do that. Filipche will be remembered as the only minister who, after a serious accident in the department he leads, instead of taking responsibility, made a whole show with the false resignation,” the opposition party points out.

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