Bus accident in Bulgaria is a national catastrophe, claim traffic experts


Efforts to investigate the authorities in Bulgaria and Macedonia are ongoing, but the fact is that a little more detailed and thorough investigation is needed and everything is clear about the event, to view all the facts, material traces and evidence, as well as personal testimonies, said Boris Murgovski with the Faculty of Security in Skopje.

“Dilemmas and mysteries must be solved. The goal is thorough research until the end, in order to solve this case”, says Murgovski.

Professor Zoran Joshevski with he Technical Faculty in Bitola was also interviewed in the TV show.

“What happened in Bulgaria is a national catastrophe and we cannot see it only as a traffic accident, Zoran Joshevski of the Technical Faculty in Bitola told TV 24.

According to the professor, it is very unprofessional to still count how many passengers were on the bus three days after the catastrophe, the number of passengers should not be investigated for three days, he stressed.

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