AJM: Prosecution should drop criminal charges against Momirovski and Milosavljevic


The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) is asking the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) in Skopje to dismiss the criminal charges filed by the Intelligence Agency against journalists Goran Momirovski and Dragan Milosavljevic. Some time ago Momirovski and Milosavljevic were invited to testify at the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the reason for this is the show that is broadcast on TV Alfa entitled “Zaspij ako mozhesh” on January 11, 2021.

“We point out that criminal prosecution of journalists for acts punishable by several years in prison, especially by security structures, could further jeopardize the already fragile freedom of expression in our country. Such actions can be interpreted as pressure on public criticism, especially considering that this show was published in January 2021, and those concerned were summoned to testify at the Public Prosecutor’s Office in late November or almost nine months later.

We think that journalists have the right and obligation to deal with topics related to national security, fully respecting the ethical and professional standards in their work and following the public interest.

If the Intelligence Agency or any other institution is dissatisfied with the way journalists or the media report on their work, we encourage them to use only / regulatory mechanisms,” reads the AJM press release.



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