Zaevism destroyed all sectors, from economy and energy to diplomacy, says Miloshoski


Zaevism in the country destroyed all sectors, from the economy to energy and diplomatic relations, stressed opposition MP Antonio Miloshoski at the “Same people, same values” forum organized by VMRO-DPMNE.

According to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, the system of “Zaevism” will probably be maintained even after the departure of the current Prime Minister ZoranZaev from the government and SDSM.

“First of all, one example is the diplomacy. In diplomacy, jealousy means when you repeat every day for five years that the United States is your strategic partner, and for five years you do not have an ambassador in Washington. That is the definition of Zaevism in diplomacy where in the country where we signed the Strategic Partnership document in 2008 we now have an empty ambassadorial chair for five years. And in order to say that the diplomatic shame is greater for Macedonia, the nomination itself is the fact that for the first time during the nomination of a candidate for ambassador to Washington, the value of clientelism prevailed with Zaev and the system of Zaevism. It happens to us that official Washington officially returns a message that he is not desirable to be a diplomat and ambassador of Macedonia to Washington DC. And that is really unpleasant for a country with which we all intended to upgrade those strategic relations and relations step by step “, said Miloshoski.

The MP pointed out that the second thing of the system of diplomacy in diplomacy is that for four years we have been talking about regional cooperation, Mini Schengen, the Open Balkans, increasing trade and investment with neighbors, and at the same time there are no ambassadors in Serbia, Bulgaria or in Turkey.

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