I did not keep silent at all while I was part of the Government, I fought the battle from within, claims Dimitrov


Outgoing Deputy PM for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov said he didn’t regret at all his views expressed during Wednesday’s press conference, adding that he has neither kept silent at all even while in the government.

I was not so open, because I was fighting the battle inside, Dimitrov said in an interview with “360” Degrees.

Regarding the statement that he does not trust Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani regarding the settlement of the dispute with Bulgaria, Dimitrov said that his assessment is based on personal testimony of views expressed within and internal coordination, but also through information he received from ministers and ambassadors of EU member states.

That’s where my elements and assessment come from. Public appearances are one thing, what happens behind the scenes is another thing, says Dimitrov.

At a press conference two days ago, Dimitrov said that his views in the negotiations with Bulgaria were on many occasions contrary to those of his counterparts in the Government.

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