Government doesn’t budge: Schools to resume in-person classes on February 1


The Ministry of Education and Science on Friday reiterated that the second semester will begin on February 1 with in-person classes, despite the requests of the Trade Union of Education and Science (SONK) to reconsider this decision, i.e. for teaching to take place remotely during the first two weeks.

“All decisions on how to organize teaching in a pandemic are always made based on the guidelines and recommendations that the MES and the Government receive from the Commission for Infectious Diseases as a body responsible for coordinating all measures and activities to prevent the spread of infection caused by COVID-19, taking into account the recommendations of UNICEF. According to yesterday’s decision, teaching in the second semester begins on February 1 with in-person classes and respecting the valid health protocols adopted before the beginning of the school year,” reads the response from the Ministry of Education sent to Sloboden

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