Appointing an ambassador to New York who was previously rejected by Washington is a blatant violation of the diplomatic code, says Miloshoski


VMRO-DPMNE MP and EC member Antonio Miloshoski, in an interview with Sitel TV, rejected the accusations that he blocked the process of sending the now appointed ambassador to New York Ljubomir Frchkovski, because for 8 months he did not allow the parliamentary committee on foreign policy to convene a committee where Frchkovski would present his priorities as ambassador, emphasizing that this election actually shows a blatant violation of the diplomatic code, i.e. as he said the Assembly as a control mechanism has constitutional competence to correct certain wrong moves or steps of the executive, adding that I think it would have been much better if the government had found a more suitable staff for ambassador to the UN.

“The Parliament is a control mechanism. Many ambassadors passed through the Parliament. The ambassador for Vienna, Rome, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, Australia, etc. has passed, and these are elections of the government, the ministry and we are looking to send some criticism or praise, but in any case the process is going on. But when you have a blatant violation of the diplomatic code and a candidate for the United Nations, you are a person who has been officially rejected by Washington as an unfit person to be ambassador, and President Pendarovski and former Prime Minister Zaev know that Frchkovski has been rejected by official Washington,” Miloshoski said.

“After a decision was made at a closed session of the government to be a candidate for ambassador to Washington, for which Frchkovski was already receiving congratulations from the public, he was rejected by a senior State Department official and President Pendarovski, the former prime minister and the current Minister of Foreign Affairs know that conversation very well. And when you have a man who has been rejected by official Washington for very serious reasons, and Pendarovski also knows the reasons, then it is distasteful to send such a person as ambassador to the United Nations, again in the territory of the state that has already rejected him and where The five members of the Security Council are the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and France,” added the MP.

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