Macedonia requests a loan from the IMF – the loan will be with one percent interest


Macedonia has sent a request to the International Monetary Fund to use a two-year prudential and liquidity line. This credit line is available for member states with sound economic bases, and is used for situations when there is uncertainty such as the current economic crisis due to inflation and energy crisis, especially after the war in Ukraine, announced Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi, during the Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington DC.

“The IMF last week qualified us as a country that can use such a credit line, which is an extremely positive result in relation to our position, as a country, in the financial markets. It significantly changes our market situation in favor of our economy, given that now due to inflation expectations interest rates have risen in the financial markets. This line to be processed will follow an official request process,” said Minister Besimi in an interview with Sitel TV.

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