Fuel prices to go up as of Tuesday midnight


The Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services adopted a Decision which increases the retail prices of oil derivatives by an average of 2.29% compared to the decision made on April 24, 2022.
Retail prices of petrol EUROSUPER BS-95 and EUROSUPER BS-98 increase by MKD 2.50/liter, while the retail price of EURODIESEL (DE V) increases by MKD 1.00/liter.
The retail price of Extra Light Household Oil (EL-1) increases by MKD 1.50/liter. The retail price of fuel oil M-1 NS increases by MKD 1,226/kg and will now amount to MKD 52,825/kg.
The maximum prices of oil derivatives will be:
Motor gasoline EUROSUPER BS – 95 84.00 (denars/liter)
Motor gasoline EUROSUPER BS – 98 86.00 (denars/liter)
Diesel fuel EURODIESEL BS (DE V) 85.50 (denars/liter)
Burning oil Extra light 1 (EL-1) 84.00 (denars/liter)
Fuel oil M-1 NS 52,825 (denars/kg)

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