Police monitoring 1,000 people ordered to self-isolation


Interior Minister Nake Culev said that because of the coronavirus situation and the
prevention of the spread of the virus, police are currently holding 1,000 people who
were ordered to self-isolation.
"On the telephone number 0800 00 201 and on the published email for 2 days there
were 59 mails and 402 phone calls. They refer to the regulation of freight vehicles for
the extraction of nationals stuck in a foreign country. Report any non-compliance
with the recommendations for self-insulation as well as catering facilities and a ban
on assemblies. On March 19, SIA Skopje monitors 230 people for health
surveillance, and 1,000 people with self-isolation orders. There are 530 objects

controlled out of which 140 today. Veles 2 persons for health surveillance, 99 self-
isolation orders, 186 self-isolation of SIA Tetovo, SIA Stip 246 self-isolation orders,
Strumica 172 self-isolation orders, Bitola, 140, Kumanovo-220 isolation orders, Ohrid
– 205 self-isolation orders”.
Anyone who wants to leave the country will have to sign a statement that he/she will
not return to the country for three months. Exceptions to this would be truck drivers
and those leaving for health reasons.

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