International Labor Day marked by protests, workers demand higher wages


Linear salary increase immediately by at least MKD 2,806 and signing of a General Collective Agreement in the public and private sector that will regulate the salary increase and the return of the lost right to K-15, are the key demands of SSM which on yesterday’s May Day protest, were delivered to the Government.

The SSM stresses that the burden of the crisis must not fall only on the employee. There is no more time to wait and the demands must be met a day soon, because the worker has been brought to the brink of subsistence, the union said. The Government, meanwhile, has vowed to fight with unions to promote workers’ rights and higher wages.

“We had many reasons for organizing the protest. For months, we have been pointing out the stagnation of the state and the deepening of the crisis. The huge burden of the crisis must not fall only on the back of the worker. With this protest we want to point out that in these key moments the state, the Government and the employer did not show will, which resulted in the cessation of the social dialogue,” said the SSM.

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