The June 18 protest will put an end to this Government that works only for personal interests


Mile Lefkov, MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE and member of the VMRO-DPMNE EC in an interview with Radio Leader spoke about the protest that VMRO-DPMNE is announcing for June 18 and pointed out that the purpose of that protest is to finally end this Government because the government does not work for the interest of the citizens, for the people, but this is a government that works only for personal interest.

“You must always fight against non-democracy with democratic methods, in that direction now the big protest will be on June 18, what is the whole idea we started? First we announced that this is not a 100 meter race, you can see that they are seriously involved in crime. This Government is not a Government for the interests of the citizens, this Government is only for personal interests and they do not intend to give up so easily. We started with an active blockade in the Parliament, we do not block, but whenever you want to express a complex idea you must use an idiom, that is why we say active blockade,” said MP Lefkov.

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