Kovachevski humiliated Macedonia in front of the whole of Europe with a cynical smile, resignation and apology is the least he should do, VMRO-DPMNE says


The humiliations that SDSM and Kovachevski are preparing for Macedonia are endless. Kovachevski, instead of representing and protecting Macedonia, he humiliated us in front of the whole of Europe. Instead of protecting the Macedonian state and national interests, Kovachevski sells them with a wide and cynical smile, reads VMRO-DPMNE’s press release on Sunday.

The opposition party says that it is extremely shameful and irresponsible for a prime minister with a smile to approve of the humiliation of the country at a time when its identity, language and history are at stake.

“To make it even more frightening and more astonishing, Kovachevski with a smile approved of Macedonia to be called the future Western Bulgaria at the same time when Bulgaria was asked to accept that everything on the territory of Macedonia until 1944 was Bulgarian. Does that mean that Kovachevski has already approved it, so now it is funny to him that the Macedonian public has not been informed yet? Obviously, Kovachevski speaks one thing at home and does another outside and behind the curtain, just as his mentor Zaev did. This once again confirmed that Kovachevski is nothing more than an ordinary pawn and implementer of the anti-state and nationalist policies of Zoran Zaev. With this action, Kovachevski trampled on the dignity of the Macedonian state and the Macedonian people and is not worthy to hold the post of Prime Minister. Due to this scandal, it is necessary for him to immediately resign irrevocably and apologize to the Macedonian people, the party said in a press release.

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