VMRO-DPMNE: DUI defends its crime with physical assaults on MPs,Kovachevskimust condemn the rampage of Arber Ademi


DUI is defending its crime with physical assaults on MPs,Kovachevski must condemn the rampage of Arber Ademi. Ademi should not hide behind his immunity and resign as an MP, and then be held responsible for the attacks on MPs, says VMRO-DPMNE after Monday’s incident in the Parliament.

“The party stresses that when the crime of DUI is threatened, the party accuses everyone of being anti-Albanian, but they are just ordinary criminals who will be held accountable. Arber Ademi’s attack shows how SDSM and DUI understand democracy. Whenever it is not like those they want they threaten and attack. But the outbursts of SDSM and DUI will no longer be tolerated. Their outbursts in the congregation will not stop their decline. We need elections as soon as possible,” the opposition party said in a press release.

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