Not possible to discuss the most important matter in the country with one sheet of paper, we demand that the Macedonian-Bulgarian protocol be submitted urgently, Micevski says


I want to announce as the coordinator of the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition “Renewal for Macedonia” that we will attend today’s coordination meeting convened by the Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi with a single goal, which is to repeat the views and demands of our MP group, pointed out Nikola Micevski, MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE.

As the MP said, it is requested to return the information sent by the Government as an incomplete material and not to violate the dignity of the Parliament with such a document.

“The sheet of paper that the Government calls Information on the contents of the Proposal for the negotiating framework for negotiations between Macedonia and the EU is an utter disrespect to us MPs. It is not possible to discuss the most important work in the country in the next ten years with one sheet of paper. It is a classic degradation of the integrity and intellect of any MP. In addition, we demand that the Macedonian-Bulgarian protocol be submitted as soon as possible, which is the most important document in this process and which is the key document on which the rules of the game between the two countries will be agreed upon in the coming period,” Micevski said.

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