Over 50 hectares of forest affected by the fires in Maleshevia


In extinguishing the fire between the villages of Mitrashinci and Budinarci in the Berovo area, a helicopter of the Ministry of the Interior and “Air Tractor” of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue participate.

Over 50 hectares of beech and oak forest have been affected by the fires that hit the Maleshevo ​​area. A police helicopter and an “Air Tractor” of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue participate in extinguishing the fire. The situation is currently under control.

Five firefighting teams, with a total of 36 people and eight vehicles, are involved in extinguishing the fire that broke out in the area between the villages of Mitrashinci and Budinarci in the Berovo. Ten firefighters of TPPE Berovo and 30 members of National Forests from the branch of Berovo are also on the ground. Fire crews from Vinica, Radovish, Kochani, Strumica, Tetovo are also on their way to help put out the fire.


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