IPSOS poll: VMRO-DPMNE has double advantage over SDSM


The IPSOS agency conducted a field poll for the needs of VMRO-DPMNE of 1,014 respondents for the period from July 1 to July 18, 2022. The poll refers to several current issues.

1. When asked if only parties and not coalitions would run in the next elections, which party would you vote for? (*of the entire population)

• VMRO-DPMNE 19.7%
• SDSM 9.5%
• DUI 6.2%
• Levica 5.9%
• Alliance for Albanians 2.8%
• Others 4.2%
• Undecided 22.5%
• Refused to respond 17%
• Would not vote 12.2%

2. When asked if only parties and not coalitions would run in the next elections, which party would you vote for? (*with push to 48% of the determined population)

• VMRO-DPMNE 40,8%
• SDSM 19,6%
• DUI 12,8%
• Levica 12,2%
• Alliance for Albanians 5,9%
• Others 8,7%

3. In your opinion, what are the most significant problems that the Republic of Macedonia is currently facing, problems that you are personally most concerned about?

• Economy/economic situation/finances 20%
• Poor standard/low salaries and pensions/high prices/inflation 16%
• French proposal/Bulgaria 8%
• Unemployment 7%
• Politics and political crisis/partisan society 4%
• Corruption/crime 4%
• Healthcare 3%
• Problems with the identity of the state 2%
• Problems with the identity of the state 2%
• Poverty 2%
• Emigration of young people from the country 2%
• Uncertain future/uncertainty/instability/no progress 2%
• There are many problems/ general chaos 2%
• Bad politicians 1%
• Interpersonal relations/divisiveness among the population/discrimination 1%
• Education 1%
• Agriculture/product placement 1%
• Government/current government 1%
• Interethnic relations 1%
Joining the EU/ EU integration 1%
• Judiciary 1%
• Problems in international politics 1%
• Energy crisis/electricity 1%
• Non-functioning of the system and institutions 1%
• War/Ukraine/Russia/peace 1%
• Other 6%
• Don’t know 8%

4. Do you support or not support the French proposal to overcome the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria?

• I don’t support it 58%
• I support it 26%
• Refused to respond 16%

5. How would you rate Dimitar Kovachevski’s performance so far as Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is a very bad result and 5 is an excellent result?

• Rate 1 – 36%
• Rate 2 – 15 %
• Rate 3 – 20%
• Rate 4 – 11%
• Rate 5 – 8%
• I don’t know – 10%

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