This is how the Government brings Macedonians back with “humanitarian” flights


“Today at 11 in the morning my daughter was happy to return from Slovenia to Macedonia by the plane sent from the embassy, ​​(170 euros which does not matter, but…), and of course without water because one cannot carry a bottle of water on the plane. It is now 20.15, and there is still no drinking water, no toilet. So as of 15.30 my daughter is stuck on the bus in front of Makpetrol, Mavrovo, waiting for an examination so that she could be placed in a room. There is no air, the driver had left, there is no one you can complain to, just locked up like the worst criminals. I told her that they should break the windows, but where would they go to the toilet or find water? Do not listen to press conferences, or the news, stay in the countries where you are right now and don’t come back. F**k you North and Filipce and all of you liars. Everyone is free to share this post. ”

This is the Facebook post of a mother of a girl who has returned from Slovenia on a special flight and is now in a state quarantine.

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