Quarantine, isolation, social distancing proven to curb the spread of coronavirus


Quarantine, isolation, and social distancing are some of the measures proven to curb the spread of coronavirus and protect public health, Health Minister Venko Filipce posted on his Facebook profile on Wednesday.

However, the minister underlined, we can’t in these critical times neglect our mental health. He pointed out several ways how best to take care of ourselves and others in these difficult moments:

Social distancing is a measure that entails maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other. It’s the most lenient measure that everyone should abide to.

Quarantine requires physical separation and restriction of movement of people that might have been exposed to the infection. It lasts until medical staff determines that the exposed person does not show symptoms of the virus.

Isolation is the process of separating the sick people from the healthy ones. People are usually isolated in health facilities or in their own homes (self-isolation).

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