We can realistically join the EU by 2030, claims Kovachevski


Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, in an interview with Voice of America – VOA, stressed that the screening process for Macedonia’s accession to the European Union is expected to be completed in 14 months, and according to the pace at which it is being worked on, it is realistic that the country will join the EU by 2030.
The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government’s approach to starting the negotiations is very serious, the negotiation structure has been established, the academic community, the non-governmental sector, the business community are involved in the negotiations. The fact that N. Macedonia, which has had a candidate status for 17 years, has been working on harmonizing legislation with the EU for the last 5 years is also crucial.
Kovachevski pointed out that N. Macedonia is the country that is the fastest to integrate into NATO, he added that all progressive forces that are in favor of EU membership will be activated in the country.

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