Doctor cashed in EUR 5,000in fictitious on-call shifts, the Government will pay EUR 8.5 million in penalties due to the canceled finished project for the Clinical Center


In the past 24 hours there have been two scandals related to the healthcare system managed by the incompetent staff of SDS and DUI. First, the Government confirmed that the Ministry of Health should pay 8.5 million euros for the termination of the contract for the construction of the “Mother Teresa” clinical center. So double damage has been done and 8.5 million euros will have to be paid out of the citizens’ pockets, VMRO-DPMNE stressed on Friday.

“The second scandal, we saw how the director of a hospital took enormous amounts of money under the item on-call duty shifts, in a situation where doctors in the state health care barely make ends meet. The abuse of duty and extra working hours to write fabulous salaries to individuals is proof of how the government works. At the same time, such a suspicion of criminal activity is impossible without the approval of the economic director of the children’s clinic, which is a DUI staff member,” says VMRO-DPMNE.

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