VMRO-DPMNE demands that the Government and Kovachevski get over themselves and for the benefit of the citizens, immediately accept the five proposed measures for exiting the economic and energy crisis


The energy and economic crisis are a serious threat to the standard and quality of life of the citizens, but also to the survival of the economy. Kovachevski and the Government must realize the seriousness of the situation in which they have brought the state and the citizens, and in line with that, work on solving them in a timely manner and with specific measures, VMRO-DPMNE said on Friday.

“As a people’s party that works in the interest of all citizens, among the five measures we propose, the first one is: night surpluses and surpluses of electricity produced by ELEM during the weekends should be offered to the domestic economy, instead of being sold through shady and criminal deals of traders,” said the opposition party.

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