We have not given consent for the name of the “Ivan Mihailov” club, says Ministry of Justice


The Ministry of Justice says that no approval has been issued for the use of the name “Ivan Mihailov” in the name of the association that was opened in April, 2022 in Bitola.

The reaction follows Friday’s conclusion of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination that with the establishment of the association “Ivan Mihailov” Cultural Center – Bitola, indirect discrimination was committed by the Ministry of Justice.

“Given that the name of the association –“Ivan Mihailov” Cultural Center, which was in the process of being registered in the Central Register of the RNM, contains the name of a historical figure, and the fact that there is no register of historical figures or any another document with which the status of the historical person can be determined, the Ministry of Justice did not issue approval for the use of the name Ivan Mihailov in the name of the association,” reads the Ministry’s reaction.

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