State Roads collected EUR 12 million from tolls only in the second quarter of 2022


The Public Enterprise for State Roads (JPDP) collected tolls in the amount of 745,037,340 denars (12 million euros) in the second quarter of this year. The funds collected are 20.99 percent of the total planned income on that basis for the year. Compared to the same period of last year, the income from tolls is higher by 13.6 percent, that is by MKD 89,166,912.

According to the report on the financial operations of JPDP for the second quarter of this year, in addition to tolls, JPDP also has income from road tax that is paid when registering vehicles, in the amount of MKD 461,682,144, or 3.48 percent more compared to the income of that basis in the same period last year. The income of JPDP from excise tax on oil derivatives, in the second quarter of this year, amounts to MKD 1,079,735,226. And on this basis, the company has increased revenues, by 2.21 percent or by 23,358,983 denars.


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