Pupils from Gradsko will be called to the PPO for the peer violence case


The bullies from the elementary municipal school “Dame Gruev” in Gradsko, where the best student no longer wants to go to classes due to bullying, will be summoned to the Veles Prosecutor’s Office, accompanied by their parents, reported Telma TV on Saturday.

Previously, Mayor of the Municipality of Gradsko, Kiro Nackov, informed that he had fired the school’s principal. The case was reported to the Ministry of the Interior and the Center for Social Affairs.

“Immediately after the case was opened, the Veles PPO started working on complete documentation from the Center for Social Work Veles, whereby, by order of the public prosecutor, interrogations will be held with the child victim of peer violence and his parents, classmates and teaching staff”, informs the Veles  Public Prosecutor’s Office.


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