There are no textbooks, but there are fake bomb threats, the incompetent Kovachevski and Spasovski cannot find the perpetrators for five months, says opposition


The situation with false bomb threats is alarming, and the Ministry of Interior has not been able to detect the perpetrators for five months. 33 new reports of fake bombs in schools across Macedonia show that the security system is completely devastated. Oliver Spasovski not only can’t find who sends them, but he didn’t take responsibility either. Moreover, months ago a large number of public facilities, the Skopje Airport, Railway Station, commercial facilities, state institutions were under bomb threats, VMRO-DPMNE accused on Wednesday.

“The Government, Kovachevski and Spasovski are incapable of ensuring either peace or guaranteeing the safety of the citizens and the state. Instead of in school desks, students are outside in sub-zero temperatures while the Ministry of Internal Affairs inspects the schools. There are no textbooks, but there are fake bomb threats,” reads the party’s press release.

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