Macedonia second according to COVID-19 death rate in the region


According to the number of victims and people infected with coronavirus in the region, Macedonia is facing a complete failure. Our country is second in terms of mortality rate in the region.

Macedonia has 21 deaths per million inhabitants. Only Slovenia has a worse statistic with 27 deaths per million inhabitants.

The other countries in the region are behind Macedonia with lower death rate, which means a more successful fight against coronavirus.

Deaths per million inhabitants in other countries in the region:

Turkey 17

BiH 12

Serbia 11

Greece 10

Albania 8

Croatia 8

Montenegro 6

Bulgaria 5

The second part of the statistics, which calculates the number of infected per million inhabitants, is devastating for Macedonia.

There are 436 infected per million inhabitants in Macedonia, Turkey (772), Slovenia (587) and Serbia (511) have more than our country, while Montenegro (451), Croatia (415), BiH (330), Greece (208), Albania (165), Bulgaria (106) have less.

How many tests have been performed per one million people?

Slovenia 17291

Turkey 5260

Greece 4682

Montenegro 4568

Croatia 4472

Macedonia 4446

BiH 3782

Serbia 2678

Bulgaria 2663

Albania 1496


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