66 new coronavirus cases registered in Macedonia, one patient dies


66 new patients tested positive to COVID-19 in North Macedonia in the past 24 hours, bringing the total tally in the country to 974. One patient has passed away, while 12 people from Skopje, who were being treated for the virus at home, have recovered, the Health Ministry said in a press release Wednesday.

“The test results of the 76-year-old patient who passed away two days ago at the ‘8 September’ hospital in Skopje came back positive today. Her death will be entered in today’s statistics,” the press release read.

In the past 24 hours, 66 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country, of which 10 in Skopje, 27 in Kumanovo, three in Shtip, four in Prilep, five in Tetovo, four in Struga, two in Veles, five in Ohrid, one in Gostivar, three in Kochani, two in Negotino.

The total tally of COVID-19 patients in North Macedonia stands at 974.

Of these, in Skopje-339, Kumanovo-262, Debar-49, Stip-31, Prilep-89, Tetovo-43, Struga-47, Veles-36, Bitola-9, Ohrid-9, Kavadarci-3, Gostivar-10, Gevgelija-4, Strumica-2, Kriva Palanka-4, Radovis-4, Krusevo-3, Kocani-25, Probishtip-2, Kicevo-1, Negotino-2.



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