Trajanov proposes a bill to establish an independent agency to fight corruption and crime


The MP and leader of the Democratic Union (DS) Pavle Trajanov announced at a press conference in the Parliament that on Tuesday he has submitted to the Parliament services a bill on the fight against serious forms of organized crime and high corruption, which, he says, will enable the eradication of serious forms of corruption, indiscriminate war against crime and implementation of European values.
“Almost all of us have the same position, and these are the positions of both the EU and the USA, that Macedonia is a criminalized state, that the basic values and rights of the citizens are threatened, but what is most important is the survival of the state and the Constitutional order. Therefore, I think that with this law we will really realign ourselves and determine who we are for the EU, for a real fight against serious forms of crime and corruption, and who only verbally talk about the fight against crime, and so far have not taken any action,” said Trajanov, explaining the reasons for submitting the law in a procedure before the Parliament.
The DS leader proposes establishing an independent agency outside of political and party power, which, he says, will be resistant to any party, corrupt or business influences, composed of professionals who will be able to work to detect serious forms of crime committed by holders of high state positions.

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