Mickoski: Corridors 8 and 10D are also VMRO-DPMNE’s priority, there will also be an investigation for the crime with surveillance weighing EUR 22 million


This scandal has epic proportions, not only in the amount of 22 million euros, but also from the brutally bad approach of the Government to explain how it commits crimes on an open stage. Well, it is trying to justify it by hiring experts, and we are talking about experts from five neighboring countries who will embezzle more than 22 million euros, people’s money”, stated the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in relation to the scandal with the surveillance of Corridors 8 and 10 D.

“I promise that these companies that are part of the process of selecting a supervisor and supervision will be audited, someone will be held accountable because not only do they want to steal 22 million euros of taxpayer’s money, but next they will want additional commissions, certain corrupt politicians to put in his own pocket,” Mickoski pointed out.

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