DUI’s “Fire group” to act as a faction of DUI as of Thursday


The so-called “Fire group” from the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) will officially act as a faction of the party as of Thursday. The mayor of the Chair municipality, VisarGaniu, said at a press conference that they were committed to being the voice of all Albanians.

“Unfortunately, for three years in a row we have been warning that the Statute and program of DUI are not being respected, which is the best proof of the non-establishment of party bodies for these years. Today we stand before you as a faction and we commit ourselves to be the voice of the needs and demands, not only of our electorate, but of all Albanians, and no one will silence this voice. For us, the voice of the people is everything, because this is the voice of reason and we will show in action the correct, principled and comprehensive functioning,” Ganiu said.

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